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Business Services
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Primary Authority
Meet Our Primary Authority Partners
Environmental Health
Noise and Air Pollution
Pest Control
Communicable Disease and Food Poisoning
Food Hygiene & Standards
Health and Safety
Water Quality
Trading Standards
Animal Health and Welfare
Business Advice
Fair Trading
Petroleum and Explosives
Weights and Measures
Tell Us What You Think
Contact us about Covid-19 matters
Improvement Notices Served
Coronavirus: Health & Safety
Coronavirus: Housing
Coronavirus: Livestock (Animal Health)
Coronavirus: Pollution Control (Noise & Air)
Coronavirus: Scams
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures for Virus Contamination
Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit
Consumer Advice & Safeguarding
Consumer Advice
Doorstep Crime
Allergy Awareness
Food Safety and Hygiene
Health & Safety within the Workplace
Highfield Level 1 Award in Food Safety in Catering (RQF)
Infection Control
Infection Prevention and Control for Special Procedures Practitioners
Training Courses
Highfield Level 3 Award in Food Safety for Catering (RQF)
Empty Homes Vale of Glamorgan
Empty Homes Bridgend
Empty Homes Cardiff
The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016
Housing Service Request Form
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
Rent Smart Wales
Student Housing
Empty Homes
HMO Licensing
News and Updates
'Oldest Loan Shark in the UK' ordered to pay over £173,000 by Cardiff Court
Attempted dog thefts being reported to us
You Are Here:
A to Z
In This Section
Business Support: Primary Authority
Environmental Health
Trading Standards
A to Z
Air Quality and Pollution
Manage air quality, regulate industrial emissions and investigate air pollution complaints in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan
Air Quality Monitoring
Annual Air Pollution Map
Allergy Awareness
allergen, training, trading, standards, legal
Animal Disease
Monitoring animals for signs of disease, and following good farming practices are essential ways of reducing the risk and preventing the spread of disease.
Animal Feed Hygiene
Shared Regulatory Services work in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to enforce animal feed hygiene legislation at agricultural and stockholding premises
Animal Health and Welfare
Shared Regulatory Services, working in partnership with the Welsh Government (WG) and the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA), is responsible for the enforcement of animal health and welfare legislation at agricultural and stockholding premises in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Animal Movements and Records
The movement of certain species of farm animals requires licenses to accompany their movement.
Animal Welfare
Any person responsible or in charge of an animal whether or not on a permanent or temporary basis has a duty under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to ensure the needs of the animal are met.
Animal welfare information regarding donkey rides on Coney Beach
While the seasonal donkey rides are in operation at Coney Beach, officers from the Shared Regulatory Service do carry out welfare checks to ensure the operator is working within the conditions of their license in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act.
Approved Premises
Advice and guidance for food premises requesting approval, Inspection and enforcement within approved premises and the Granting of approvals of food business (full and conditional).
Attempted dog thefts being reported to us
You may have noticed that a number dog thefts and attempted dog thefts are being reported
Avian Influenza identified at a premises on Anglesey
All-Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone declared from 17 October 2022 following the discovery of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in poultry at a site in Anglesey.
Avian influenza: prevention zone declared across Great Britain
The All-Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been extended and updated to include new housing measures which will take effect as of 00:01 on Monday 29 November 2021.
Ban on single use plastics in Wales takes effect from October 30th
The Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023 will introduce Phase 1 of the ban which will mean that businesses are no longer able to sell or supply certain items to the end user.
Before reporting a noise problem
Our experience shows that often the person causing the noise is not aware of the impact it is having on others.
Beware bogus 'animal wardens' going door to door
We urge residents to report suspicious individuals going door to door, posing as council animal wardens.
Beware bogus charity workers going door to door
We urge residents to be aware of individuals going door to door, posing as charity volunteers. These individuals may ask you for donations or other personal information.
Bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) identified in sheep in Gwynedd
This is the first time Bluetongue-3 has been found in Wales and follows BTV-3 cases being detected in the east of England over the last month.
Bonvilston man sentenced to another six months for animal welfare offences
A Bonvilston man has been sentenced to six months in prison for the mistreatment of horses and dogs and breaching a lifetime ban on keeping animals, following a prosecution by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
Bridgend restaurant involved in food hygiene prosecution
Following an investigation by Shared Regulatory Services (SRS), two directors involved in the operation of the Swaddesh restaurant in Kenfig Hill were sentenced at Cardiff Magistrates Court on 27 November.
Bumper fine for Cardiff landlord
Mulberry Real Estate Ltd, and its director, Mr. David Bryant, who are landlords of properties in Cardiff, have been fined for failing to carry out necessary repairs to fire doors, escape windows and kitchens and for failure to re-licence two properties.
Burst water mains in Cardiff likely to affect water supply
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water have advised there has been a burst water mains in the Ely / Caerau areas of Cardiff which is likely to affect the water supply to many properties in the area until later this afternoon (May 11th).
Burst water mains in Penarth likely to affect water supply
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water have advised there has been a burst water mains at Cogan Hill, Penarth, which is likely to affect the water supply to many properties in the area until later this morning (August 19th).
Business Advice
All businesses, irrespective of size, are subject to a vast array of legislation designed to protect the consumer.
Cardiff Cash and Carry and former director ordered to pay over £10,000 at Cardiff Magistrates Court
Former director of a large wholesale cash and carry business based in Bessemer Road in Cardiff has been ordered to pay a total of £2,517 due to a rat infestation at his premises
Cardiff landlord loses appeal after £37,000 fine
A Cardiff landlord who was fined £37,000 for severe safety violations at his rented property in Broadway, Adamsdown, has had an appeal against the fine rejected, and now faces a bill of just over £42,521, to be paid within six months.
Common Law Nuisance and Statutory Nuisance
Shared Regulatory Services (SRS) has powers to deal with some types of nuisance. SRS may be able to help where a member of the public suffers nuisance caused by smell, smoke, noise or dust.
Communicable Disease and Food Poisoning
Communicable Disease
Company director of Cardiff convenience store prosecuted for selling illegal tobacco
Kovan Nasser and Santos Off Licence Limited, 323 Cowbridge Road East receive substantial fine and community order after Trading Standards investigation
Construction and demolition work
Construction Site Advice
Consultation launch on Air Quality Action Plan for Park Street in Bridgend
On September 5th, 2022, Bridgend County Borough Council launched a public consultation on a Draft Air Quality Action Plan for Park Street in Bridgend.
Consultation on the further declaration of the Cathays Additional Licensing Scheme currently underway
We invite comments on this proposal from tenants, residents, landlords, agents, local businesses and other interested parties.
Consumer Advice
When you buy goods or services the law gives you consumer rights. These protect you from being treated unfairly by a trader.
Contact us about Covid-19 matters
Contact us regarding any matters relating to Covid19 that fall within our remit
Contaminated Land
Under the legislation the council is required to inspect the land in the county borough to identify sites which, due to their historical use, may have given rise to land contamination which could cause harm to human health or the environment.
Cooling Towers
Poor maintenance of wet cooling systems may give rise to the conditions in which outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease can occur.
Coronavirus: Health & Safety
Health & Safety advice on Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Housing
Information and advice in relation to coronavirus for residents that live in rented accommodation, landlord advice, mortgage and debt and empty homes
Coronavirus: Livestock (Animal Health)
The amended The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations implemented from Tuesday 7th April specifically permit the operation of livestock markets
Coronavirus: Pollution Control (Noise & Air)
Advice and Guidance on Noise Complaints during Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Scams
Advice and guidance on avoiding scams relating to coronavirus
Dog and Animal Wardens
Work to ensure the public are safe from stray and dangerous dogs, stray livestock and animals. Also provide information and education on responsible ownership
Dogs Choice UK has recalled a number of frozen raw dog foods
Salmonella has been identified in the dog foods, prompting a recall on the affected products
Doorstep Crime
Shared Regulatory Services is committed to protecting consumers from detriment and tackling rogue trading practices. In order to achieve this we work with partner agencies across Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Empty Homes
Management of empty properties in Bridgend, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Empty Homes Bridgend
Empty Homes Bridgend
Empty Homes Cardiff
Empty Homes in Cardiff
Empty Homes Vale of Glamorgan
Empty Homes Vale of Glamorgan
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures for Virus Contamination
The infection risk from COVID-19 following contamination of the environment decreases over time. Take a look at the advice we can offer on controlling the risk of coronavirus
Environmental Health
Environmental Health
Environmental Permitting
Environmental Permitting
Environmental Permitting Regime
To make sure we protect the environment and air quality, some activities, such as paint production or dry cleaning require a permit.
Event Catering
If you are a caterer looking to trade in Bridgend, The Vale of Glamorgan or Cardiff from a market stall, mobile food unit or use Council's catering facilities, you must comply with food hygiene legislation.
Fair Trading
Shared Regulatory Services ensures that residents of Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan get a 'fair deal' by enforcing a wide range of legislation relating to pricing, and the description of goods, services and property.
Fallen behind with your rent due to COVID?
If you rent your home and you have fallen behind on your rent due to COVID-19 you may be eligible for a new Welsh Government grant.
FarmWell is a new online resources hub full of the most useful information to help keep your farm business, and yourself, resilient through changing times and help you plan positively for the future.
Fighting for a Gas Safe Nation during Gas Safety Week 2023
We are proud to be supporting Gas Safety Week 2023 (11 – 17 September) which highlights landlords legal responsibilities – annual gas safety checks.
Food and Hygiene Complaints
Advice and guidance for members of the public about food and hygiene complaints.
Food and Safety News
Food and Safety News
Food Hygiene & Standards
Any premises which stores, prepares, produces, cooks or sells food in Bridgend, Cardiff or the Vale of Glamorgan must comply with the current food safety legislation
Food Hygiene Advice Visits
Advice for food businesses in relation to compliance with food hygiene law and achieving the best Food Hygiene Rating
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
Food Inspections
Authorised Officers have a right to enter and inspect a food business at all reasonable hours without making an appointment and usually come without advance notice.
Food safety advice during summer months
To keep your family safe when outside having a BBQ, picnic or PYO fruit, here's some useful tips to help you enjoy your summer.
Food Safety and Hygiene
If you run, or plan to run a food business it is essential you have a good knowledge of food hygiene and food safety.
Food Safety and Hygiene
Food Safety training courses delivered by SRS
Food Safety Management
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a system that helps food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to make sure the food produced is safe to eat.
Food Sampling
Sampling of prepacked and non prepacked foods for microbiological and chemical contamination
Food Standards
Food Standards legislation relates to the composition, labelling and description applied to food.
food, safety, hazard, critical, control, hygiene
Health & safety of workers who drive or ride for work
If you any have any workers who drive vehicles; ride powered two-wheelers (e.g. motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters) or bicycles as part of their work activity, you must manage any risks to their health and safety whilst at work.
Health & Safety within the Workplace
health, safety, training, compliance, law, legal
Health and Safety
Protect employees and those who may be exposed to risk, including the public, promote health and safety awareness and enhance safety in the workplace
Health and Safety Guidance
Guidance on health and safety matters
Health and Safety Law Explained
Responsibilities for enforcing Health and Safety legislation is shared between a central government body called the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities.
Healthy Options Award
The Healthy Options Award has been developed to reward caterers throughout Wales who make it easier for their customers to make healthy choices when eating out.
Highfield Level 1 Award in Food Safety in Catering (RQF)
By law, food business operators must ensure that food handlers receive the appropriate supervision and training in food hygiene.
Highfield Level 3 Award in Food Safety for Catering (RQF)
This qualification is aimed at those working in the catering industry who are at, or wish to progress to, a higher or supervisory level.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed at a number of locations
Some of these locations are likely to lead to dead and / or sick birds being washed up on beaches which are used by the public
HMO Licensing
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO ) Licensing
HMO Licensing in Bridgend
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing in Bridgend - The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants
HMO Licensing in Cardiff
The Housing Act 2004 aims to improve housing standards for tenants renting accommodation in the private rented sector.
HMO Licensing in The Vale Of Glamorgan
HMO Licensing in The Vale Of Glamorgan - The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants
Holiday Caravan & Camping Sites
caravan, rules, law, holiday, homes
Information regarding Equine Identification Documents (Horse Passports) and fly grazing
Housing Service Request Form
Housing Service Request Form
How Safe is Your Commercial Coffee Machine?
We've put together some useful advice for businesses, in particular users of installed commercial coffee machines, and owners of mobile equivalents.
How to help keep dogs calm at this time of year
With Halloween, Bonfire Night and New Year celebrations fast approaching, we are working alongside RSPCA Cymru to remind pet owners of the simple steps to help ensure that dogs remain as safe, calm and relaxed as possible.
How to manage and control the risks associated with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete
RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) is a lightweight form of concrete used in roof, floor, cladding and wall construction in the UK from the mid-1950s to the mid-1980.
Illegal loan sharks cash in on cost of living pressures
New research*, commissioned by Stop Loan Sharks Wales and The Welsh Government, confirms fears that current financial hardships may drive more people in Wales to borrow from illegal money lenders, more commonly known as loan sharks.
Impact of loan sharks to social housing sector in Wales
The increasing cost of living leads to illegal lenders looking to exploit people in their moments of crisis. Liz Emmons from Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit explains more to Community Housing Cymru via their blog
Improvement Notices Served
The following notices have been served under the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Infection Control
Infection Control training course
Infection Prevention and Control for Special Procedures Practitioners
Covers the principles of infection control through application of the 'chain of infection' and the 'standard infection control precautions' for Special Procedures Practitioners
Initiative to promote safe and responsible dog ownership launches in Mid Glamorgan
The LEAD (Local Environmental Awareness on Dogs) project is designed to improve engagement with dog owners of all breeds.
Intellectual Property (IP) crime / counterfeiting
Intellectual Property (IP) crime / counterfeiting
Landlady fined for a catalogue of failings
A landlady has been fined at Cardiff Magistrates' Court for a catalogue of failures relating to a house she owns and rents out as a House of Multiple Occupation
If you rent out your property for domestic purposes you have various responsibilities.
Latest update on XL Bully's
The ban on XL Bully dogs, introduced last year, came into force on 1st February 2024
Lead Exposure – Indoor Rifle Ranges
Lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal found in the earth's crust that has many uses, including in the manufacture of ammunition
Lead Exposure from Indoor Airgun Ranges at Dual Use Facilities
Lead is a naturally occurring toxic metal found in the earth's crust that has many uses, including in the manufacture of ammunition
Light Pollution
Light pollution is any artificial light that is allowed to illuminate areas not intended to be lit. Light pollution can have a detrimental effect upon the local community and environment.
Managing the Risk of Ringworm in Hairdressing and Barbering
Ringworm of the scalp area, or Tinea capitis, is a fungal infection that can spread easily in the hairdressing and barbering industry if poor infection control measures are being used.
Meet Our Primary Authority Partners
Meet Our primary Authority Partners
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
We are committed to helping the Welsh Government achieve their objectives to reduce fuel poverty and the number of inadequate energy efficient homes being rented in Wales.
New mandatory biosecurity and housing measures for all poultry and captive birds in Wales
The measures will be introduced on 2nd December 2022, following a decision by the interim Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales.
Night Time Noise Service – Cardiff Council residents
Shared Regulatory Services delivers a Night Time Noise Service on behalf of Cardiff Council for its residents.
Noise and Air Pollution
Wide range of pollution service requests from commercial and domestic premises. Maintain various pollution monitoring programmes across Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan
Noise nuisance: A guide on how to take your own action
In cases where noise nuisance cannot be substantiated, you are able to take your own action under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
Noise Pollution
Advice and guidance to residents on matters relating to noise, including what we can and cannot help you with
Norovirus: Deep Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures
Here's some andy advice for businesses on tackling Norovirus throughout the year, but particularly during the winter months
Odour and Dust Nuisance
The Neighbourhood Services Team investigate complaints regarding odour and dust.
Off licence proprietor prosecuted following underage alcohol sales
The operator of a Barry off licence has been fined more than £2,500 for selling alcohol underage and licencing offences following a successful prosecution by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
'Oldest Loan Shark in the UK' ordered to pay over £173,000 by Cardiff Court
An 83-year-old loan shark has been ordered to pay back over £173,000 of her ill-gotten gains, with more than £35,000 returned to her victims in compensation
Organised Crime Group sentenced to a total of 25 years of immediate imprisonment and 9 years as a suspended sentence
Members of a South Wales Organised Crime Group (OCG) which sold illegal tobacco, cigarettes and Nitrous Oxide while money-laundering more than £1.5m were sentenced today to a total of 25 years of immediate imprisonment and 9 years as suspended sentences, at Swansea Crown Court.
Pest Control
Pest Control is dealt with by your local authority, they provide treatment for a variety of pests both indoors and outdoors
Petroleum and Explosives
All petrol filling stations and businesses which dispense petroleum in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan have to be licensed by each local authority.
We want to make information and advice on all regulatory matters as easy as possible to access, which is why we've launched our new 'Ask the Regulator' podcast
Pollution Service Request Form
Pollution Service Request Form
Port Health
SRS acts as the Port Health Authority for Cardiff Airport, Barry Port, the Port of Cardiff and its district, including waters around the island of Flat Holm, Cardiff Bay, Penarth Marina and shipping using Penarth Pier.
Porthcawl trader took payment from customer for motor warranty which never existed
A Trading Standards investigation found Mr Liam Thomas caused a loss of more than £300 to a local resident
Primary Authority
Partnership between SRS and businesses which is recognised by the Secretary of State. Provide advice and support for Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Licensing regulation
Product Safety
Product Safety
Public Consultation on Environmental Permit applications
Public Consultation on Environmental Permit applications
Puppy breeders prosecuted by Vale of Glamorgan Council
Bonvilston couple engaged in illegal dog breeding practices ordered to pay over £450,000 following a successful prosecution by the SRS
Push for public & trade to report illegal puppy breeding
Speak up about illegal puppy breeding and report it anonymously to Crimestoppers
FInd out information relating to Rats in domestic buildings
Register a Food Business
Registration of businesses carrying out food operations, this includes the storage, selling, preparation, cooking and distributing of food.
Rent Smart Wales
Rent Smart Wales
Report Noise Pollution
Before you report a noise problem to us, you should try to deal with the problem in person first
Restaurant owner fined for failing to display food hygiene rating
Blerdo Bros Limited and its director Mr Sofoklis Christou operate Colosseo restaurant in Bridgend which had received a food hygiene rating of 1
RIDDOR advice for businesses
If someone has died or been injured because of a work-related accident, this may have to be reported. Not all accidents need to be reported, other than for certain gas incidents.
Safe shellfish handling
Handling and serving live oysters is different to handling and serving other ready-to-eat foods. You need to ensure that shellfish remain alive until either eaten or cooked so the quality does not start to deteriorate.
A scam is an attempt by a person or organisation to mislead you into giving them money by telling you something which is not true.
Seagulls: Pest Control Advice
Advice and information for residents on how to treat seagulls
Serve up safe food this upcoming Bank Holiday
We are working with Food Standards Agency on how to serve up safe food this upcoming Bank Holiday
Single Use Carrier Bags Charge
From 1 October 2011 the Single Use Carrier Bags Charge (Wales) Regulations came into force making Wales the first UK Country to charge for single use carrier bags.
Skin piercing treatments
Guidance on skin piercing treatments and special procedures licensing
Smoke Free Premises and Vehicles
Smoking is illegal within public places and workplaces if these are wholly or substantially enclosed.
Student Housing
Housing advice for students moving from halls to a house or living in private rented accommodation
Sunday Trading Laws
Retailers in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan who wish to trade on a Sunday will need to comply with the Sunday Trading Act 1994.
Supplies return to normal after burst water mains in Llanedeyrn affects water supply
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water have advised there has been a burst water main in Llanedeyrn, which is likely to have affected the water supply to many properties in the area.
Take steps to protect yourself from e-bike and e-scooter battery fire risks
While most e-bikes, e-scooters and their batteries are safe when used correctly, lithium-ion batteries can cause serious fires, particularly if of poor quality, when damaged or improperly used.
Tell us what you think
We are always keen to improve the services we provide and value the feedback we receive.
Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) can help you if you are a tenant living in a private rented property and are experiencing difficulties.
The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016
The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into effect on 1 December 2022, affecting both private and social landlords, it is the biggest change to housing law in Wales for decades.
The worst case of neglect at a restaurant that we have come across in 15 years
A father and daughter have been ordered to pay £10,000 for a string of food hygiene and health and safety offences
Thousands of imported soft drinks removed from the UK market
Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) has removed thousands of imported American soft drinks and confectionery including Mountain Dew, Bang Energy, Cheetos & Takis due to them containing prohibited additives.
Tough new legal crackdown on puppy smuggling moves a step closer
UK Government announces support for the Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Private Members Bill.
Trading Standards
Promote, maintain and ensure a fair and equitable trading environment whilst protecting the interests of consumers and local businesses
Training Courses
Training Courses
Training Courses
Training courses offered by Shared Regulatory Services in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan
Two landlords hit with combined £23,000 fines for renting dangerous properties in Cardiff
Renting out dangerous properties in Cardiff has cost two landlords thousands of pounds
Underage Sales and Age Restricted Goods
A wide range of consumer products are age restricted to ensure that they are only sold to consumers who are old enough to purchase them on health and safety grounds.
Use of External Speakers in Business Premises
Shared Regulatroy Services (SRS) has powers to regulate the use of external speakers in business premises shall cease at 9pm.
Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit (WIMLU)
The Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit (WIMLU) targets illegal money lenders, more commonly known as loan sharks.
Warning about noise from fireworks
The noise from fireworks can potentially disturb local residents, especially if they are used on a regular basis.
Warning to residents about scams over the festive period
Christmas is a busy time of year with plenty of distractions, which can mean that we are not as alert to the dangers of scams as we would normally be.
Water Quality
Water quality information and guidance for mains and private supplys.
Weights and Measures
Shared Regulatory Services is responsible for metrology, traditionally known as weights and measures, and is responsible for enforcing the Weights and Measures Act 1985.
Workplace injuries, incidents and accidents
All employers and other 'responsible persons' have a duty to report certain accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences which occur in the workplace.
XL Bully type dogs included within the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
The UK government announced on 31st October that the XL Bully type dogs are now included within the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, with measures coming into force in two stages.
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Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU
0300 123 6696
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Latest News
Take steps to protect yourself from e-bike and e-scooter battery fire risks
Tough new legal crackdown on puppy smuggling moves a step closer
Cardiff landlord loses appeal after £37,000 fine
Bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) identified in sheep in Gwynedd
Organised Crime Group sentenced to a total of 25 years of immediate imprisonment and 9 years as a suspended sentence
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