Shared Regulatory Services
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Cardiff landlord loses appeal after £37,000 fine

A Cardiff landlord who was fined £37,000 for severe safety violations at his rented property in Broadway, Adamsdown, has had an appeal against the fine rejected, and now faces a bill of just over £42,521, to be paid within six months.

Cardiff restaurant fined for rodent infestation

A Cardiff restaurant has been hit with fines totalling £16,000 after inspectors discovered an active mice infestation and multiple food hygiene violations.

Common Law Nuisance and Statutory Nuisance

Shared Regulatory Services (SRS) has powers to deal with some types of nuisance. SRS may be able to help where a member of the public suffers nuisance caused by smell, smoke, noise or dust.

Communicable Disease and Food Poisoning

Communicable Disease

Construction and demolition work

Construction Site Advice

Consumer Advice

When you buy goods or services the law gives you consumer rights. These protect you from being treated unfairly by a trader.

Contact us about Covid-19 matters

Contact us regarding any matters relating to Covid19 that fall within our remit

Contaminated Land

Under the legislation the council is required to inspect the land in the county borough to identify sites which, due to their historical use, may have given rise to land contamination which could cause harm to human health or the environment.

Cooling Towers

Poor maintenance of wet cooling systems may give rise to the conditions in which outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease can occur.

Coronavirus: Health & Safety

Health & Safety advice on Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Housing

Information and advice in relation to coronavirus for residents that live in rented accommodation, landlord advice, mortgage and debt and empty homes

Coronavirus: Livestock (Animal Health)

The amended The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations implemented from Tuesday 7th April specifically permit the operation of livestock markets

Coronavirus: Pollution Control (Noise & Air)

Advice and Guidance on Noise Complaints during Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Scams

Advice and guidance on avoiding scams relating to coronavirus
Found 14 Pages