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Air Quality and Pollution

Manage air quality, regulate industrial emissions and investigate air pollution complaints in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Air Quality Monitoring

Annual Air Pollution Map

Allergy Awareness

allergen, training, trading, standards, legal

Animal Disease

Monitoring animals for signs of disease, and following good farming practices are essential ways of reducing the risk and preventing the spread of disease.

Animal Feed Hygiene

Shared Regulatory Services work in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to enforce animal feed hygiene legislation at agricultural and stockholding premises

Animal Health and Welfare

Shared Regulatory Services, working in partnership with the Welsh Government (WG) and the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA), is responsible for the enforcement of animal health and welfare legislation at agricultural and stockholding premises in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

Animal Movements and Records

The movement of certain species of farm animals requires licenses to accompany their movement.

Animal Welfare

Any person responsible or in charge of an animal whether or not on a permanent or temporary basis has a duty under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to ensure the needs of the animal are met.

Approved Premises

Advice and guidance for food premises requesting approval, Inspection and enforcement within approved premises and the Granting of approvals of food business (full and conditional).

Attempted dog thefts being reported to us

You may have noticed that a number dog thefts and attempted dog thefts are being reported
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