Shared Regulatory Services
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Before reporting a noise problem

Our experience shows that often the person causing the noise is not aware of the impact it is having on others.

Beware bogus 'animal wardens' going door to door

We urge residents to report suspicious individuals going door to door, posing as council animal wardens.

Beware bogus charity workers going door to door

We urge residents to be aware of individuals going door to door, posing as charity volunteers. These individuals may ask you for donations or other personal information.

Bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) identified in sheep in Gwynedd

This is the first time Bluetongue-3 has been found in Wales and follows BTV-3 cases being detected in the east of England over the last month.

Business Advice

All businesses, irrespective of size, are subject to a vast array of legislation designed to protect the consumer.
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