Coronavirus: Housing
Information and advice in relation to coronavirus for residents that live in
private accommodation, landlord advice, mortgage and debt and empty homes
It is important that rented homes are kept safe. Landlords are still responsible for keeping homes safe and in good repair, even during this pandemic. If tenants have a problem with their home, they should inform landlords or letting agents.
Similarly, the guidance documents on this page are also designed for landlords and managing agents in the private rented sector across Wales.
Welsh Government announcements
Services that support people in Wales to manage problem debt and improve their household income are set to receive a £1.4m boost
to help them respond to an increase in demand on their services. Evidence shows the coronavirus crisis is placing acute financial pressure on people in Wales, with many experiencing a loss of household income, putting them at increased risk of falling into serious debt.
This new funding will bolster the debt advice services that are delivered through the Single Advice Fund, ensuring that those most vulnerable, such as private sector tenants, can access the advice and support they need to manage their financial situation.
Click here for further information.