Environmental Permitting Regime
To make sure we protect the environment and air quality, some activities, such as paint production or dry cleaning require a permit.
It is an offence to operate without a permit.
Shared Regulatory Services regulate different types of installation including glassworks and foundries, petrol stations and concrete crushers, sawmills and paint manufacturers.
These activities are listed in the Environmental Permitting Regulations on the Department of Food and Rural Affairs website
For further information regarding Environmental permits issued by Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale Of Glamorgan, or to view the public register documents, please contact us.
Applying for a permit
If an operator wishes to carry out a process that causes emissions to land, air or water then they may need to apply for an Environmental Permit. The Environmental Permitting Regulations tell us the relevant processes that require an environmental permit.
You will need to contact us at the earliest opportunity in order to discuss the application process before applying for a permit
The authority must consult relevant members of the public and other organisations.
Further Guidance