Night Time Noise Service – Cardiff Council residents
Shared Regulatory Services delivers a Night Time Noise Service on behalf of Cardiff Council for its residents.
The operational hours for this service are usually at peak periods on Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm until late. 
This service is contactable at those times on 0300 123 66 96
The service is receiving an unprecedented level of demand. We are therefore having to prioritise certain cases and may not be able to respond to your call on the night. There are some other partner organisations may be able to assist with your noise complaint.
Please note
- The primary aim of the service is to gather evidence on the night. We may not be able to stop noise happening on the night unless accompanied by sufficient Police resource. Follow up action may be required to take place during normal office hours.
- Priority will be given to existing cases where the case officer has requested the resident to contact the service for an officer to witness the noise. This is so that evidence can be gathered to progress these cases.
- New cases received during the operational hours of the Night Time Noise Service will be considered low priority. They are most likely to receive a response during normal office hours.
- You will need to provide your name, address and contact telephone number, your details will not be shared with any parties who are being investigated but they may deduce who is complaining given your proximity to the noise. No anonymous complaints will be logged or receive a response.
- You will need to provide the address for the source of the noise, if you cannot do so your call will not be logged
- If your case is considered a priority, officers will contact you by phone on the night. They may want to arrange a visit to your property to assess the noise and establish if it is a statutory nuisance. The telephone number used by officers to get in touch is listed as from an “Unknown Caller” as they do not take incoming calls. Incoming calls are managed by a Cardiff Council call centre only. If officers are unable to make contact with you on the night, then no take further action will be taken on the night.
- Responding officers may not be able to stop noise happening on the night it is reported. Follow up action may be required to take place during normal office hours