Shared Regulatory Services
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Odour and Dust Nuisance

The Neighbourhood Services Team investigate complaints regarding odour and dust.


These complaints are dealt with under section 79 and 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and are investigated to determine whether a statutory nuisance exists.



For an odour to be a nuisance the frequency, duration and strength are taken into account.

There are no set levels or measuring devices to detect odour; investigations can take time.

We rely on you to provide us with as much information as possible. Keeping notes of weather conditions can also assist officers’ investigations.

Typical sources of odour complaints arise from:

  • Commercial Kitchens
  • Industrial Processes


Please note:

We do not investigate agricultural odour complaints unless the smell is excessive and persistent.

We do not deal with cooking or drug odours from residential properties.



For dust to be classed as a nuisance it would have to be substantial enough to be interfering with your enjoyment of your property or prejudicial to health.

Dust complaints normally arise from:

  • Construction Sites
  • Industrial Process

Some processes are permitted e.g. quarrying process, and are therefore regulated by different legislation – in this instance the Environmental Permitting Regulations.

Report Odour and Dust Nuisance

If you feel that you are being affected by dust or odour please contact SRS:

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