Report Noise Pollution
Before you report a noise problem to us, you should try to deal with the problem in person first.
Further information is outlined here. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the person responsible, you can
report a nuisance noise to us
To make a complaint you will need to provide your name, address, contact telephone number/email address and the address of where the noise is happening. We require your contact details so that Officers can contact you to discuss your complaint in further detail.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept anonymous complaints. We keep complainant’s details confidential. However, it may be necessary to reveal your identity to support the Council’s case if legal action is taken.
Please note the investigation of a statutory nuisance can be a lengthy process as it requires the collection of a lot of evidence. You will be required to complete noise logs sheets which will form part of a signed witness statement should enforcement action be necessary. We will be unable to progress your complaint if you do not return the log sheets.
Court cases are rare as we try to resolve complaints informally, however you may be required to attend court if the case progresses to a prosecution.
Go to Contact Us form
Unless you have an active complaint formally logged with this service, please do not send us any visual or audio recordings such as mobile phone videos, Noise App recordings etc; they will not be accepted and will be deleted.
Out of Hours calls
Shared Regulatory Services can be contacted out of hours for calls that may include:
- Audible Intruder Alarms that have been sounding for more than 30 minutes
- Car Alarms that have been sounding continuously for more than 15 minutes
Calls relating to alarms will not be responded to after 10pm on any evening
Bridgend County Council residents call 01656 643643
Cardiff Council and Vale of Glamorgan Council call 0300 123 66 96
Night Time Noise Service – Cardiff Council residents only
Shared Regulatory Services delivers a Night Time Noise Service on behalf of Cardiff Council for its residents on Friday and Saturday nights. Please click here for further information on the service.
Zero-tolerance of abuse or inappropriate behaviour
The Council will not tolerate abuse or inappropriate behaviour towards our officers. Any person demonstrating inappropriate behaviour towards officers will not receive a response and their details may be passed to South Wales Police.