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ValeOfGlamorganCouncilLogoHMO Licensing in the Vale Of Glamorgan

The law requires that certain types of rented property are licensed in order to meet standards that ensure a house is safe for the occupants

In order for us to process your application, a valid application must be made.  See the relevant area specific application form for a checklist of supporting documentation that must be submitted.

On receipt of a valid application, an officer will contact you to arrange an inspection of the licensable property. Following a satisfactory inspection, a draft licence will be issued for your comments, followed by a Full Licence which is valid for a period of 5 years.


The HMO licensing fee will be dependent on the area within which your property is situated and will be as follows:

The HMO licensing scheme is to be self-funding and the following fees will apply:

Mandatory HMO Licence: £761

Mandatory HMO Licence (Renewal): £631


In order to make an application for a HMO Licence, please complete a HMO Licence Application Form and return to

  • Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU

Public Register of Licensed HMO's in the Vale of Glamorgan

The Housing Act 2004 requires every local authority to maintain a public register of premises licensed as a HMO.This is the compact version of the register, specifically for the internet following national guidance on publication of information.