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Rent Smart Wales

Rent Smart Wales is a landmark scheme that will drive up standards in the private rented sector by requiring managing landlords and agents to undertake training to ensure they understand their responsibilities.    

It will help:

  • Prevent the involvement of rogue, and even criminal, landlords and agents in the management and letting of properties.
  • Protect tenants and will support good landlords and agents by helping them keep abreast of their responsibilities and legal obligations, raising the reputation of the sector.

Enforcement of the Act was launched on 23rd November 2016, and those who have not yet complied with the law are encouraged to discharge their legal responsibilities to register as soon as possible because registration when completed online, is a simple 15 minute process, but a licensing application can take up to 8 weeks to process.

Rent Smart Wales

Tenant survey

The Welsh Government has commissioned RHE Global to undertake an evaluation of Rent Smart Wales (RSW). If you are a tenant living in the private rented sector in Wales you are invited to participate by completing this online survey. This survey is directly for individual tenants and seeks to understand their experiences, the effectiveness of RSW’s tenant support, and any impact it has had on their housing conditions. 

The deadline for submission is 26.06.2024. If you have any further questions about the survey, please contact

Landlord survey

The Welsh Government has commissioned RHE Global to undertake an evaluation of Rent Smart Wales (RSW). If you are a landlord or property agent operating in the private rented sector in Wales you are invited to participate by completing this online survey. This survey is directly for landlords and property agents and seeks to understand their experiences, their challenges and any impact RSW has had on their operations and business practices. 

The deadline for submission is 12.06.2024. If you have any further questions about the survey, please contact


Part 4 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 sets outs a landlord’s responsibility to provide dwellings that are safe and fit for human habitation (FFHH). By preventing any of the 29 matters or circumstances arising in your rental it will avoid contract-holders potentially living in unfit conditionsand will also be the most cost effective approach for you. 

Rent Smart Wales resource library

Our short Rent Smart Wales video provides further information about the scheme: