Warning about noise from fireworks
The noise from fireworks can potentially disturb local residents, especially if
they are used on a regular basis.
Fireworks are not permitted to be used during night hours (23:00 to 07:00), apart from certain exemptions which allow the use until 01:00 on the nights of the Chinese New Year, Diwali, and New Year’s Eve, and until midnight on 5th November.
There is also an exemption for local authority fireworks displays, national public celebrations or national commemorative events.
The police have powers to take action against individuals using fireworks outside permitted hours.
Local authorities can investigate complaints from residents regarding noise nuisance from fireworks within permitted hours.
Those found guilty of statutory nuisance offences may be liable of a fine up to £5000 per offence. Detailed information on undertaking a firework display can be found at:
Giving your own Firework Display (eig2.org.uk)
Organising firework displays
Working together on firework displays
For more advice or to report noise nuisance from fireworks please
contact us