Communicable Disease and food poisoning
Shared Regulatory Services (SRS) investigate and identifies the cause of communicable diseases to reduce the spread of infections in Bridgend, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria or viruses. People can become infected through:
- Eating contaminated food
- Drinking contaminated water
- Breathing contaminated air
- Contact with an infected person
- Contact with contaminated surfaces
- Contact with animals
- Participating in some leisure activities e.g. swimming in the sea or in lakes
- Workplace environments
- Equipment (e.g. unsafe tattooing practices)
If you suspect you have an infectious disease then visit your GP. You may need to submit a stool sample for analysis.
If you are suffering symptoms you should be 48 hours symptom free before returning to work or a childcare setting.
Report Food Poisoning
If you believe you have suffered food poisoning in connection with a premises in the Shared Regulatory Service area then contact us to report it.
If you believe that you are part of an outbreak (two or more unrelated cases occurring from the same source) then contact us.
- Contact SRS
- Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU
Stakeholder Engagement
Food Safety Leaflet 2023