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Empty Homes Bridgend


Bridgend Council Empty Property Grants

There are two types of Empty Homes Grant available in Bridgend.

  • Empty Property Homes Grant
  • Homes in Town Grant  

Both grant schemes aim to bring vacant properties back into use and increase the supply of much-needed affordable rented homes across the county borough. 

Empty Property Homes Grant

To apply, you must own an empty property over 10 years old and unoccupied for 6 months minimum. You must also agree to the grant conditions. These include renting the property for 3 years in line with the Council’s lettings policy and becoming registered with Rent Smart Wales upon completion of the works.

The maximum grant available depends on the work being carried out:

  • Up to £10,000 or 75% of the eligible cost per unit for a like-for-like conversion (such as a two-bed house being brought back into use as a two-bed house).
  • Up to £15,000 or 75% of the eligible cost per unit for a conversion into more units (such as a two-bed house being brought back into use as two one bed flats)
  • Up to £9,000 or 75% of the eligible cost per unit for a conversion into units that have shared facilities (such as bedsit-type units that share kitchen/bathroom facilities or both)

The Council will assess what works are needed to bring a property back into use in consultation with Shared Regulatory Services. Works must not have started before the application is approved and must be completed within six months of the grant approval date. More information can be found in Bridgend County Borough Council's, ‘Property Owners Guide to Empty Homes’. 

How to apply?

To express your interest in the scheme, please complete an Expression of Interest form and return it to:

Housing Strategy, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, CF31 4WB 

More information on Bridgend County Borough Council's website can be found here

Homes in Town Grant

This grant helps tackle vacant space in Town Centre and contribute towards the regeneration of Bridgend. 

To be eligible for the grant, you must own a property suitable for residential conversion. This property must have been empty for 6 months minimum and older than 10 years old. You must also agree to the grant conditions. These include renting the property for 3-5 years in line with the Council’s lettings policy and becoming registered with Rent Smart Wales upon completion of works.

The maximum grant available depends on the work being carried out:

  • 85% of the cost, up to a maximum of £10,000, to create a separate access (if one is not already present) to the residential premises
  • 85% of any works identified/ recommended as the result of an acoustic survey
  • 60% of the cost, up to a maximum of £30,000 per unit of accommodation, for the conversion of vacant space into a residential unit

The Council will determine the works needed to bring a property back into use. Works must not have started before the application is approved. Once approved, work must begin within 6 months and be completed within 12 months of the grant approval date. This grant can be combined with other grants that are available.More information can be found in Bridgend Councils, ‘Property Owners Guide to Empty Homes’. 

How to apply

To express your interest in the scheme complete an Expression of Interest form and return it to:

Housing Strategy, Bridgend County Borough Council, Civic Offices, Angel Street, CF31 4WB For more information on Bridgend Councils website, please click here. 

Bridgend Council Empty Property Loans 

Do you own a property that has been empty for six months or longer in the Bridgend area? You could qualify for a share of funds available through the Welsh Government’s Houses into Homes scheme.

Interest-free loans are available to cover the cost of repairs and improvements to bring a property back into use, either for onward sale or the rental market. Loan funding can help renovate or convert residential and commercial properties subject to relevant planning permission approval. 

To apply for a loan, you must be the owner of or looking to buy a property that has been empty for six months minimum. 

A sum of £25,000 maximum per property/unit, up to £150,000 per applicant, is available. The award sum is capped at 80% loan to value, based on any existing mortgage plus the Houses into Homes loan applied for, against the current property value.

Any loan approved must be financially secured against the property by either a first or second charge. If the property has a pre-existing mortgage, the Council will require permission from the lender to secure the charge. The Council can consider another property as loan security. 

Funding is paid in two instalments: 50% up-front to provide working capital and 50% when reasonable progress is considered made.  This will be agreed and outlined in the Loan Facility Agreement. Once completed, the property should meet the Houses into Homes Standard. 

The loan must be repaid in full within 2 years if the property is to be sold or 5 years if to be rented.

Please note: There will be a loan application fee and you will be required to demonstrate your ability to repay the loan through your application. 

More information about the loan can be found in Bridgend Councils, ‘Property Owners Guide to Empty Homes’.

How to apply

To express your interest in the scheme complete an Expression of Interest form and return it to: 

For more information on Bridgend Councils website, please click here.